Monday, June 15, 2009

Family Activity Ideas: Water Balloons

During the summer we all want a little more time to enjoy each others company outdoors, but we often do the same things. However, a few creative ideas though can change a dull day into great memories. Whether it be for a birthday party or ordinary day at home, here are activity ideas that are inexpensive and fun for kids and adults.

1) Water Balloons
Get a bag of water balloons from your local dollar store and either buy or borrow a kiddy pool (or two) to set up outside. Kids pools can actually be very cheap if you look in the right stores (I've found them for only five dollars before and they last a long time if they're stored away after each use).
Fill up the pools and the water balloons. For toddlers have a game where all they need to do is transfer the balloons from one pool to the other. Repeat as many times as you want. This is great fun, and involves no competition (which can be traumatic for young children
who are fiercly competitive at times). Give a prize of small candies, ice pops, or graham crackers with peanut butter when they're finally worn out.

For older children this is the time to hide as the balloons go flying and all out war commences. If you don't want to introduce the large scale battle use towels, old sheets, or blankets and pair up kids. Give each a water balloon and have them launch the balloons between pairs. When the balloon hits the grass it creates a lot of laughs as kids try to get out of the way of the splash. You could also use eggs but they create more of a sticky mess.

Caution: Please be careful with young children and water balloons. If the balloon pops as a little one is chewing on it, or if they pick up a broken piece of plastic from a popped balloon it is very dangerous as they may choke.

For more great outdoor activity ideas for young children click Here