Thursday, June 11, 2009

Book Review: It's Here Somewhere

Do you ever feel cluttered, and like you can't ever find anything? Do you wish you could clean in only a few minutes instead taking an entire day to organize, only to have it all go everywhere again as soon as you need to find something. I feel the same way, and this book is the answer.

Lately my family and I have been doing what's called streamlining based on the principles in this book, and we feel so much better getting rid of our clutter and keeping only what we need, use, want, like, and have room for. We don't have to search to find anything, and can get around so much easier. We also feel better because all the extra stuff we had is going to charity so someone who really needs it now can have it.

I hope you enjoy this book and apply the principles in it with your home. Also, I have to say, I'm glad we did this now while we still only have a small apartment, because if we had a large home which we'd been filling with clutter over the years it would take months to really get through the whole thing unless the whole family was on board helping with the project. A plus to that though, is the author mentions at one point that one family who applied these principles and all went to Disneyland with the money they got from selling all their extra stuff! That would be great too!
Happy reading, and happy streamlining!