Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Recipe: Peanut Butter Blossoms

Hey Everyone! This is a family favorite recipe in our house. We use Hershey Kisses on top, and they are great also for parties or just to snack on although they are definately not diet friendly.
Hope You enjoy!

Daily Thought: Personality Development in Children

Hey Everyone. Here's some great stuff about parenting. Hope you enjoy!

"Children are not just little adults. They go through typical characteristics of growth—intellectually, emotionally, and socially—on their way to becoming adults. When parents realize these things, there is less strain on both parents and children."

"Athough Satan cannot tempt little children directly, their innocence and trust make them very open to suggestions and to the influences of others. They look to their parents, older brothers and sisters, and other children and adults for examples and models of behavior to follow. For these reasons, childhood is a crucial time for laying the proper foundation."

"Parents need to be constantly alert to the influences around their children and work hard to teach them the gospel. Parents often unknowingly lead children astray through uncaring, unthinking, and inconsistent behavior."

To read the entire article click Here